Saturday, February 9, 2013

Craft table

One of the aspects I was most excited about with a relatively finished basement was having a craft table! In our smaller space, the dining table was it. Mr. Spice had urged me to dispose of the old stereo with (gasp!) a TAPE player…as in- cassette tapes! I agreed to go through my extensive collection of tapes and cull them to the most essential ones. But the stereo is now on my craft table, where I enjoy listening to tunes from high school, which I am horrified to admit are now being played on some oldies radio stations. But I digress…

An old bulletin board was replaced by a nifty magnetized marker board which didn't require- gasp- tacs, so I rescued the outmoded but perfectly serviceable one in support of the craft table environment. It took me many years to realize that it’s ok to tear pages out of magazines and keep the nice photos/articles, and recycle or donate the rest of the magazine. It’s been neat to see the bulletin board content evolve and layer, and even better to not have large piles of magazines lying around! 

I had a large bowl with a snow theme that I only used a couple of months of the year, so I covered it with flower bulb catalogue photos of daffodils, my very favorite flower. It makes me smile every time I see it, and I don’t have to store an empty bowl for most of the year. In fact, I keep scrapbooking supplies in it!
I took several beaded jewelry making classes, and have found that the cats like to “help” a bit too much with the beads and thread. I don’t mind them sitting on scrapbook pages. What a joy it is to have space for crafting and not having to clean everything up for the sake of the dinner table being needed. 

I usually have only one project at a time on the table, and sometimes clean and organize in fits and starts. Do you have craft supply storage tips?

1 comment:

  1. It's so fun to see your space and those shelves ;)
    I try to use see through storage container. Otherwise out of sight, out of mind.
