Friday, July 31, 2015

Cauliflower Casserole

I’ve been singularly uninspired to cook for months (February packed up and sold house, March in temporary quarters, April unpacking boxes of stuff, May getting used to new job/schedule, June travel, and here we are!). I was finally motivated to haul out the garlic press when I read an interesting recipe for cauliflower casserole in the military newspaper for the base where I work. The original could be labeled a “cholesterol special” and didn’t include garlic, so of course I made modifications.
Here’s what to do: cook a head (or two)  of cauliflower, or use a bag (or 2) of frozen/thawed. Boil noodles in the proportion that you’d like for the meal- if it’s a vegetable side, a main meal, and how many heads/bags of cauliflower you used. 2 cups of raw macaroni or 3 cups of larger pasta could be a starting point for the amount. Sautee onion, garlic, and any real meat you’d like to use (hamburger, turkey, bacon, ham, etc.)- I didn’t use any meat in this casserole. Finally, whisk 4 eggs and 1/3 to ½ cup low fat sour cream or milk (the recipe calls for a “small jar” of cream). Have ¾ cup of grated cheese on hand- of course I used Gruyere, therefore omitting additional salt or pepper in the recipe.
Bern, Switzerland
Spray a 9 x 13 baking dish if you used 2 head/bags of cauliflower. Spread cauliflower out, then cover with drained noodles. Add onion/meat mix, then pour egg mixture over it all. Sprinkle with grated cheese. I was instructed to bake at 180 Celcius for 30-40 minutes, which worked fine. I’m guessing 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes- check if cheese is gently browned on top. Next time I will mix everything together, since the layered noodles were a bit too crispy for me this time.
Mail delivery in Bern, Switzerland

Since photos of cauliflower and raw noodles are not that exciting, here are some travel photos along with one of the done casserole. Enjoy!

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