Sunday, March 23, 2014

Creating a vision board

A long, long time ago, in the distant galaxy of Lynn, Massachusetts…
The first time I heard about making a vision board 15 years ago, I thought “well, it can’t hurt”. I had always been taught to work hard and set goals, but hadn’t imagined how making a poster would help in achieving my hopes and dreams. It turns out that having a home-made sign in front of my workspace focused me on what I was looking towards, and eventually, the vision board became a showpiece of what had been accomplished.
There were many personal photos on the first vision board, so I will not show it here, but I can report back: the magazine ad of a cruise ship? Check! The thermometer to be filled in as credit card debt was paid off? Check! Fitness, Mary Kay sales goals, vacations with spouse? Check, check, check!
Not quite so long ago (2011)…
After two moves, I still had the vision board, but it was dusty and slightly tattered, and not in front of my workspace with new dreams. Meanwhile, I’ve been tearing out inspirational pages from magazines in order to scrapbook/collage them, and have accumulated a lovely pile of quotes and images. Well, not all of them are lovely, but I needed the photo with lightning coming down, to reflect a difficult, soul searching time on a scrapbook collage page.
Just this week…
My new vision board wouldn’t fit on a “regular” sized poster…it takes up a large cork board that used to sit on my craft table in the basement, until some nifty shelves were installed there during the renovation. I hadn’t realized that the cork board was turning into a vision board over the past two years…I simply thought I was tacking up meaningful or interesting quotes/images. But once the cork board no longer fit into that space, I missed it.

I believe it is ok to show my photographs here of quotes and images from some of my favorite magazines, Artful Blogging, AFAR, Art Journaling, Budget Travel, Oprah, and others. Since I had torn the pages out of magazines I purchased over several years, I am not able to give credit to each individual image. I would be glad to provide credit to artists if I am able to determine who they are.