Saturday, July 13, 2013

Cards # 20 and 21 - African Safari Part 2

We were on a low-budget tour, sleeping in 2 person tents on the ground, with campground bathing facilities. I tried a new (to me) technique to mat this ostrich photo: I searched for a green paper to use as a mat, but didn’t like the shades I had on hand. I used an ink pad to color over a paler green paper to create a more vibrant frame. Too much ink came onto the paper at first, so I blotted some off with a paper napkin that was nearby.
I don't know the names of these cuties, but here are some iridescent birds. I slipped the card into a frame I got in Nairobi. 
Your future safari experience may be very different from mine. An acquaintance took one out of South Africa a few years ago, and  stayed in gorgeous hotels with private plunge pools and "regular" restaurants. We sat on tiny stools near the camp fire and ate with one plate and one fork whatever the cook had prepared for us (usually good, but not gourmet- who cares, we’re on a safari!). 
Our teeth rattled in our heads as we jounced for miles over rutted roads in an older vehicle whose shock absorbers were surely out-shocked, but it was still great! As a result, our price was do-able for a small group of 20-something women without corporate jobs to foot the bill for a luxury tour. I can’t recommend any particular company, so have fun researching the details.  

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