Saturday, July 20, 2013

Garden flowers and farm share

I’m running out of cards made before the basement flood, and haven’t been able to make more since then. I’ll share some photos that are slated to be made into cards, and will do the same with some travel blogs that don’t have cards yet, either.
Can you see the moisture inside these flowers? They grew mightily this spring, putting a big smile on my face every time I saw them. The white ones on the other side of the yard were also gorgeous, but didn’t have sunlight filtering through them like in this photo. After I’ve added another peony to the side of the house, maybe it will be time for another bleeding heart. I wonder how many colors they come in? Do you have a favorite color?
I’m so happy with the two hydrangeas that we added in the past two years. They are stunning, especially this unusually flowering one. The other is more traditional, but I’m amazed by the odd blossom pattern here. I’ve seen some pink ones, too, but don’t know if they are recently planted ones that haven’t changed color due to the soil composition. I’ll keep grinning every time I see these, too! Good riddance, hostas, and thanks to my friends for taking them off my hands/property.
Our garden experiment last year was a good learning experience, lots of work, and little but cute yield. We decided to try a farm share this year, and have also planted a few items that I’ll post as they grow (bell peppers, sugar snap peas, watermelon, herbs). These strawberries came in a huge flat of … pick-your-own! Now I respect why they cost so much in the store. We had strawberry shortcake, strawberry milkshakes, strawberries and yogurt, and still needed to freeze several bags for later use. Yum!

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